Thursday, June 12, 2008

Spanish lavender waggle their coxcombs
benign as a neutered rooster convention
sky is gray layered with gray highlights
like a woman bent on accepting her age
Northwest dogwood bustles with yellow
green flower sepals butterfly winged
over its droopy green leaves and I would
describe my mood this morning as lying
supine as the lidless garbage can across
the alley behind green potting soil bags.

Sheffer Puzzled

The world as we know belongs to ants
they teem in soil and rotten moldings
their antennae pulsing towards their tzar
we load hatchbacks oblivious as our era
our thoughts moot they swim the moat
we scoff at their motions that seem rote
oil barrels loosed on seas begin to nag
how long till Baskin cannot buy caramel
life without the lightswitch. Ask Asimov
there's no foundation on your pc or mac
what you think doesn't matter a sob
invasive and vanishing we're managing
as children who bounce balls for jacks
how many ants does it take to lift a wig
go figure calculate spreadsheet sane
as a chasm in the Grand Canyon, gap
between continents and ice ages, your
teeth. Though we choke chain our Rex
charmed cast can't lure dead to our rod
caused disaster to all we have surveyed
have prayed and preyed down the Ohio
Red flag in the tree where I spied a Cardinal
animal spirit in the war canoe the ant
there too we haven't listened exoskeleton
glistens and pops under vibram we teem
tornado as trebuchet tosses another cow
analogy will not shore the sagging roof
profess love for all our profits. Amen.

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