Friday, June 20, 2008

Another Tip for Writing Avoidance

Ampleforth, England, Haryana, India, Attiki, Greece,
Coram, New York, Horsham, Pennsylvania: Hello.
(people from there the last few to view this site)

Sheffer Today

Six degrees of chemically compromised bacon
drip and droop above electric element hot as ire
another morning another homage to the ohm.
Thank you ancients for arithmetic, plus signs to obeli
to Euclid for geometry's enclosing certainties
prime numbers, times tables, elegant listings
I memorized knew holy bright colored locales
in my brain neurons branched and twined for
ever amen. However shaken I could never lose
this cultivated repetition, entry to communion
with ancient Greeks. Junior High Tillitype Editor,
I printed the Pythagorean Theorum on the front
page, ninth grade, no wonder nobody kissed me.
Cream cheese whitened knife swabs bagel
a twist turns bacon mobius strip, potato almost
browned thanks be to physics and the dam.
I will not take on horrors here, the what ifs now in
view that rues all math has made we are paying for
our physics our can do since it is there. I'm
aware. To shelter frogs, I'll place the broken pot
beneath gingko where soil stays damp, pledge
allegiance to gold splashed honey bees but
I will not shun our human push into aerials
our running past the edge. We all fall down,
get up get up we cheer the cyclist. This morning.

1 comment:

beth coyote said...

chemically compromised bacon, ha!