Friday, December 04, 2009

we live by what we're dealt
like smelt we shimmer, flim flam
sharp as clove-poked hams
imagine mental prowess slaves to urge
and smells, fringed as Dale Evans
achante we say as if we'd gone to Eton
we're not beaten beneath eagle nest
or snake to send us packing
we've endured our minds if not the lash
we never spit at wine tastings, totter
on Monolos, green and greasy as Rudyard
warned us elephant children. Alas,
and we stare upward on slim
chance planes have answered in the sky.


so anyways, does anybody have a clue why or how a site gets tons of traffic? How is it mine has increased exponentially when I've done the same or less than usual?


Radish King said...

Laura, it could be a word you used particularly a word that might seem innocent enough in your use, but has sexual connotations. Sometimes my numbers spike for the oddest reasons. Once I wrote a post with the word belt in it and was overwhelmed by the numbers. Find yourself a good (free!) site meter that records search terms used to find your blog. You might be surprised!

Laura Gamache said...

THANK YOU Rebecca! Sheesh.

beth coyote said...

Then there's comments like 'Tony' here who probably didn't read your blog but wants you to check her/him out. Dunno what that's about.


Lyn said...

Or it could be that people are finally discovering your awesomeness. Great people who are out of work and have nothing better to do - not that I know anyone like that . . .

MThompson said...

Haha, I just have to say Lyn's comment is pretty funny, and true: "Great people who are out of work and nothing better to do"

I think there's quite a few out there. I just thought I'd leave a comment because I decided to check out other blogs. I'm in writer's slump lately, so I like to explore during these phases. I like you crossword puzzle, but am curious as to ground rules. Are there any?
Do you have to use all the words or just some? Do you have to use them in order of appearance or not?

Anyway, just curious! Thanks.