Monday, May 12, 2008

When you come out of the shit raise the flag
throw up a flare, wave your arm, toss a cap
we've grown impatient to pick you up at dawn
Really, we haven't lost so much as a fin.
Nothing much can touch us since Sawyer
built the wall without so much as a level
but you probably read about the semi --
bridge opening for Dwayne's dumb boat,
eighty thousand pounds, no jake brakes
jeez the psi on the dashboard alone, but
no, no more for all the peanuts in Perth,
last year's wheat alar like oil from silos --
couldn't hear the screams for your own yell
Well, hell, yeah hell flared in the woody
area back of Dean's. Looks like a tundra.
Sir Walter found a plain in Trinidad - tar
he used to caulk ships, by god we rival that.
We could pave from here to Brisbane
with the black lake over by the Lutheran
church on Blaine. What I wouldn't give,
but hey -- on second thought, stay
away. Really. Go home. It was my ego.
We haven't a spare rib here to lend.

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