Monday, November 15, 2010

What have I learned about myself here
on the mucky shores of Agency Lake?
What do I take home? What will I use?
A gratitude that I do not live apart
but inside a family. Seattle's fertile
lowland. Dark, damp and fecund.
I am grateful for diligence, patience,
and forgive myself for practicing each
with desultory lack of discipline.
I have some intentions and resolutions
to pack home.

I'm dreamy after a farewell swim
at Ella Redkey Pool where I never
swam in snow. I did swim in 85 degree
water today under sunny skies, maybe
air temperature in the high forties.
Finishing my laps, I floated in gratitude
and then when indoors to shower
under the one replacement showerhead.

I spent a long time reading Mark Doty
this morning. His "Theory of" poems
from FIRE TO FIRE. "Theory of
Incompletion" made me involuuntarily
say, ah.


Lyn said...

I love Mark Doty. Have you read his "Still Life with oysters and lemon" or something like that? VG. I still think you are amazing. Not that that should change you in any way. Looking forward to seeing you soon!

Laura Gamache said...

:) I'm at the Portland Amtrak Station - meeting Jim then home after NINE weeks! Can't wait to see you! xoox