Friday, June 23, 2006

On the Lake, 5:30 am

A new era in my life has opened its petals, revealing Mount Rainier, strong and handsome at the south end of Lake Washington, from the stern of a 40 foot long racing shell at did I mention 5:30 am. The tender bud (not button, G.S.) of my cox career got a midicum of sun and no splash. The boat rocked a little once in awhile (wake, yanked steer string) but I came away invigorated and grateful.
One quad,
one novice cox,
one coach in one launch,
one broad shouldered mountain,
two oars per rower,
two motor boats with skiers,
two directions to pull on the steering line,
three sets of paddle 10, half pressure 10, full pressure 10,
three swimmers doing laps in the lee of the floating bridge
four rowers.

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