Tuesday, April 08, 2008

NaPoWriMo 8

NaPoWriMo 8: After Hearing Lucille Clifton At Intiman

windows and mirrors she says still an elf
for a milkshake you have to eat your peas
he used a potato in a sock she used to hide
living is ridiculous no matter how we rant
wear a full face helmet in this area
even as we watch the Dead Sea
to be a human person is an asset
her mother burned her own poems, our
faces feel the heat, she has brooded
how naming unmakes history. "My husband
was a yogi my niece says walk a pig
by her see what she'll do." Repetition makes
it true. Alexie arrested for fighting a guy
who dissed her poems. "My hero."


Radish King said...

Yay! How the hell did you do this at 8:30 a.m.???

Laura Gamache said...

i've got the bit in my mouth and i'm slogging through sleet with no idea where i'm going

Radish King said...

me too
slogging is the exact word.
i am in full SLOG.