Friday, April 11, 2008

NaPoWriMo 11, really

Re-engineering the Foundation

garage plan splays across kitchen table
blueprint measurements marked with slashes
insipid piano crescendoes. Tape measure
retracts with a slashing snap.

Ivory prince lenten rose swells, its bells bow
barebranch dogwood feathers with tiny buds
garage, storage, workroom uproot them
from my window, another but.

My father says he is not mature enough
to trust his decisions. He won't decide.
He follows grumbling behind. I know this.
Tape measure slaps entry floor.


Radish King said...

i love it when you get personal.

i left my notebook my NOTEBOOK at work and I came home all crumpled and panicked worrying a stupid green thin notebook with crappy thin white paper inside the ink leaks through so i can only write on every other page, the only notebook i could find at my glamorous job and my son didn't get it. what's the big deal said he? god help me. and him!

day 12.

Laura Gamache said...

Oh nooooooooo! I get it!


beth coyote said...

My worst nightmare. I DON't want some snoop reading my notebook, nah!