Saturday, May 01, 2010

“Only connect,” E. M. Forster wrote. As writers in the classroom, we encourage our students to connect the world they see with their inner world.. How can we connect with them to foster their willingness to wander around with us into subject matter where there is no right answer? How do we help them access that inner world their mp3’s and texting thumbs hold more or less successfully at bay? ...

See the WITS Blog for the rest of this piece.


Anonymous said...
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beth coyote said...

Do you want to hear my poem...

Laura------- words fail me.


Lyn said...

This is your post for the other blog, isn't it?
You are just full of surprises, you. So amazing, so passionate, so freaking creative and human. As I've said many times, these kids are SO lucky to have you. Don't ever feel like it's not worth it. You are reaching these kids and they'll remember you forever.


Laura Gamache said...

I'm verklempt. Thanks for your support. I'm having a bit of an overload problem - it's spring when the traveling writer in the schools has to put up or fall behind. I'm a little behind. Love to you, sis and you, friend Beth. Off to format a 500 page book of 8th grade stories, and to read poems from 92 8th graders and then go shop for gramma fuchsias. YAY for the fuchsias!