Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Jinglia Tinkettlia
from Edward Lear's Nonsense Botany
Love Letters
To Plant Taxonomy
I placed your syllables on my tongue
Acer palmatum, Pseudotsuga,
tasty as white truffle oil.
I thought you my calling,
pressed leaves between pages
of my taxonomy tome,
kept crumbling testatments
odor of rot in a shoe box
plant stained notecards
blue in a cramped hand
for twenty years.
I stroked leaves in the arboretum,
called to you in code.
You didn't acknowledge me
I embraced a tree and longed for you,
your gossip and Latin, how it felt
to enter your intricate hierarchies.
I never questioned your motives,
would have lit a votive to your
perfection if you had called me yours.
To the Head of the Charles
Railroad, BU, River Street, Western Ave.,
Weeks Footbridge, Larz Anderson, Eliot
I learned your turnings and timings, sought
your orange buoys and your green,
kept watch for the blue dome where
Weeks meets Cambridge shore.
My voice over the cox box speakers
enchoed inside bridge arches.
Last year I wasn't ready to meet your needs,
I am glad I waited. You were too grand,
too impressive. I mastered
some of your complications, recognized
my limitations in passing - others
passed me but you stayed,
your steady flow every call and stroke.
We swung together through The Big Turn,
my rudder and rowers sure.
You favored others more.
I know what it is to feel unworthy.
You took me on,
the moment to moment calls,
sun across your surface,
our time so sharply gone.
To the Dead
I'm a sap for you, clumsy
in my breath, sweat, my
bloody corporeal form.
Let me slip out of this skin
and show you who I am.

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