Thursday, November 02, 2006

Reading highlights of ten important books
in the lastest AAP Review, I come upon
Floyd Skloot, the Helen Keller of our age,
his poetry a triumph of will over infirmity,
but isn't that how it is for most of us?

Saw Stephan King last night at Benaroya Hall, a special event for Seattle Arts & Lectures. When he walked on stage the bulk of the audience rose to their feet with cheers and thunderous applause. He gauged his audience, he tilted back his head and he delivered: naughty swear words and references to TV shows. He worked the room like a lounge comic, talked about writers as "famous people", generally played to the lowest common denominator to guffaws and applause. "Don't be a snob," said my husband at one point.

King was horrifying.


Radish King said...

King was horrifying.

Isn't that his job?

Laura Gamache said...

tee hee hee!

ps, I cannot WAIT to acquire RADISH KING Monday night - the poem you sent in your email reverberates like sticking a finger in a light socket - yowsa you are one hot poet!